Uncategorized Vehicles MUST stop for all School Busses when they are picking up or dropping off Children !

Vehicles MUST stop for all School Busses when they are picking up or dropping off Children !

It has come to our attention that on several occasions, vehicles have been seen passing the School Bus when it is stopped with its warning lights on, in Santa Fe.


The law says that all vehicles MUST stop for a School Bus when it is flashing its red lights while it is picking up or dropping off students.


For the safety of our children. STOP for School Busses.


If you see anyone illegally passing a school bus in Santa Fe, please contact chris@santafenj.com or for a faster response, message us in our Facebook page.
Try to get the make and model of the vehicle and license plate if possible (even a partial plate).


We need to protect the children and residents of Santa Fe

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